What Are Different Types Of Valves In Ship

Publish Time: 2022-12-19     Origin: Site

What Are Ship Valves?

In order to control the flow of liquids, gases, and powders through pipes or from tanks, valves are used, which are mechanical devices. The majority of the time, valves depend on a mechanical barrier that may be put into and withdrawn from the flow stream of the substance passing by. A reliable valve company SIO manufactures high-quality and functional marine valves.

For regulating the flow of fresh water, discharging out of bilges, ballast water, moving bunkers, and pressurizing the hydraulic systems for different control procedures, all ships retain some sort of valves. They can be powered by practically any of the energy sources on the ship, including manual labor. On tankers, they are highly vital since they assist in loading and releasing freight.

To control the flow and pressure of liquids in the many onboard systems, ships require valves. In addition to moving fluids, valves can also move gases, slurries, vapors, or combinations that are semi-liquid. There is a distinct purpose for every valve type, such as:

  • Begin or halt the flow

  • Limit or enhance the flow

  • Supervise the flow’s direction

  • Handle pressure or flow

  • Alleviate tube systems of pressure

The valve body (shell) binds all of the parts together. A bonnet is present, and it covers the aperture. Valve trim describes the inside components, and the purpose of valve discs is to reduce or halt the flow. The discs are supported by seal rings, and the valve stems aid in regulating how quickly a valve closes.

Ball Valves

A ball valve is a type of industrial valve that uses a hollow, perforated ball to help regulate the flow of a fluid. This sort of shut-off valve controls the flow of the fluid by adapting a rotatory ball with a bore. The industrial valve can be turned on or off manually or automatically.

The Ball Valvesare frequently used because of their longevity for a variety of applications. Slurries and other mixed media are resistant to these valves as well. Marine Ball Valves are made of materials that resist corrosion and are made to resist seawater.


Floating ball valves typically have a wide range of uses in maritime systems since they guard against leaks and guarantee the secure flow of fluids. Ball valves come in a variety of sizes, each of which is ideal for distinct use.

Ball Valves can sustain high pressure, making them useful for regulating the flow of oil and gas. These industrial valves are excellent for marine applications because they are lightweight and small. Ball valves are designed to last a long time and perform well in applications of high pressure and temperature.

Butterfly Valves

Butterfly Valves are of a simple build and are used mainly in shut-off functions. They are not generally used for regulating the flow of any medium because they do not have proper sealing properties. In this industrial valve, a disk is connected to a rod, and this setup is known as the “butterfly”.

Like Ball Valves, these industrial valves are also quarter-turn rotational valves – by rotating the disk for 90°, the valve can be closed or opened. These valves can either be manually operated or handled through automated motors. The design of a Butterfly Valves lies in a way that it eliminates the contact between the flowing media and the body of the pipeline.

There are many types of Butterfly Valves – some of the common ones include wafer-type Butterfly Valves and triple offset Butterfly Valves.


Butterfly Valves are usually employed in three types of applications – constant load, throttling, and space-restrictive applications. Butterfly Valves are perfect in space-restrictive environments because they are compact and light – they can be easily placed in tight corners.

As for marine applications, Butterfly Valves are suitable for handling fuel, lube oil, and other heavy media. These valves also find application in freshwater, seawater, and chilled water systems. Butterfly Valves are easy to install and maintain, and they offer excellent sealing properties.

For the smooth functioning of a system and avoiding backflow in a pipeline, butterfly valves can be a great option. They are also highly corrosion-resistant, so they are perfect for marine applications.


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