Pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve benefits

Publish Time: 2020-05-06     Origin: Site

Pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve benefits

The butterfly plate of the pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve is installed in the main direction of the pipe diameter. In the butterfly valve body cylindrical channel, disc butterfly plate around the centerline rotation, rotation direction is 0°~90°, rotation to 90°, the butterfly valve is brand open full mode. Pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valves should normally be installed horizontally in piping. The pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve structure is simple, small, relatively lightweight, only a few parts. It is widely used in petroleum, gas, chemical, water treatment, and other common industrial production, and it is also used in the cooling system of thermal power generation.

I. pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valves are classified in different ways as follows:

1. Categorize by structure

(1) center seal butterfly valve;

(2) single eccentric seal butterfly valve;

(3) double eccentric seal butterfly valve;

(4) three eccentric seal butterfly valve

2. Classified according to sealing surface material

(1) soft seal butterfly valve;

1) the sealing pair is composed of non-metallic soft materials and non-metallic soft materials;

2) the sealing pair is composed of metal hard material and non-metal soft material.

(2) metal hard seal butterfly valve.

The sealing pair is composed of metal hard material and metal hard material.

3. Categorize by seal

(1) forced seal butterfly valve: 1) elastic seal butterfly valve. Sealing pressure is produced by butterfly valve closing when the valve plate squeezes the seat, the seat or the valve plate elasticity;

(2) torque seal butterfly valve. The seal pressure is generated by the torque applied to the butterfly valve shaft.

(3) pressure seal butterfly valve. The seal pressure is caused by the charging of the cartridge seal element on the seat or disc.

(4) automatic seal butterfly valve. The seal pressure is generated automatically by the medium pressure.

II. pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve of good quality:

Pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve of the main quality is good, simple structure, small body weight is relatively light, low cost, the characteristics of pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve is particularly prominent, installed in the high altitude tunnel, through the two five solenoid valve control operation is convenient, also can adjust the flow medium.

III. Working principle of pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve:

The pneumatic stainless steel butterfly valve is with the valve orange rotating circular butterfly plate to do the opening and closing, in order to realize the start of the action of the pneumatic valve mainly do block valve use, can also be designed to have the adjustment or section of the valve and the function of adjustment, disc valve in the low-pressure large and medium-sized caliber pipe road use more and more.