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Why And When You Should Use A Sanitary Grade Valve

Views: 33     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-03-10      Origin: Site

There was the time, when each and every thing associated with home and industry needed human hands to complete the work. However the world has seen immense development. These developments have changed the face of civilization. There are machines for every task. The computer and internet has brought everything on the cyber platter, within the reach of the click. However there are the industries like the aviation industry, automobile industry, sanitary industry, food industry, dairy industry whose needs are more pronounced than the numbers and files.

These fields require many things, to make their products and the making of the product requires many more machines and constitutes. Then there are also the side products released in the industrial process which as well need to reach the proper place. If the side or waste products interfere with the current or final product it might lead to many more problems.

What is a sanitary valve?

sanitary valve is a different type from industrial valves, It also called sanitary grade valve or food-grade valve. which is constructed from clean non-toxic stainless steel, designed to controls or regulates the movement of fluid or gas, especially used in food & beverage, dairy, brewing, pharmaceutical, daily chemical, cosmetics industries. Sanitary valve must easy cleaning-in-place (CIP) and circulate CIP fluids.


The question about why do you need a sanitary valve, can very well be understood by the industry owners or the workers who ensure that the main product is formed authentic and pure. The sanitary valves have a great application in the dairy, medical, food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry. And they have made sure to take over the domain.

The Benefits Associated With The sanitary valve

If a product is used by the industries or home widely, it instigates clearly about its advantages. However the benefits associate with the sanitary valves are summarized as here:

Crevice free- The applications of the sanitary valves in the industry such as food and medical, bespeaks about the fact that these need to be free from any sort of contamination. And if there is any crevice in the valves, there are more chances of the same. Hence the makers of the valves ensure that there is no place left for the crevice, so as to avoid any sort of contamination. Without the crevice their will not be any problem associated with the hygiene of the particular plant.

Easy to clean- The food and dairy industry are the ones, in which hygiene and health is of paramount importance. There will be so much work involved anyways in the industries, like regulating the flow of the product, ensuring the right amount of component, maintaining the temperature. Hence it is important that the cleaning work is not cumbersome. The sanitary valve are easy to clean since they are not stained easily. Thus can be used with ease.

Surface of the valves- If the surface of the valves is the smooth and polished, it does not undergo the process of rusting or corrosion. The amount of expense which goes wasted in changing the valves which rust and degrade the pipes is way too much. In order to avoid these there are available the sanitary valves, which are made of polished stainless steel.

There are a wide variety of sanitary valve used like the butterfly valve, ball valves, check valves, flow control valves and so on. However it is important to buy it from a company with positive reviews and which provides with hassle free delivery.


What’s difference between a sanitary valve and an industrial valve?

Material. The sanitary valve body material must use health standards of stainless steel ASI 304 or 316L. But industrial valve body commonly uses carbon steel, alloy steel, cast iron or bronze, which are easily corroded or rust.

Metal surface. The hygienic valve and tube fittings require a high standard of the roughness to the metal surface, all parts that contact with the medium must be finely polished. Surface roughness is calculated measuring the average of surface heights and depths across the surface.

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